We're changing the way Assistcord is loaded on sites. Our original loading system caused issues with client-rendered apps and was a bit complicated to setup, so we've moved to a new loading system.

<aside> ⚠️ If you fail to migrate to the new loading you'll no longer receive updates to the widget button.


How it works

The new widget is loaded in a one-lined script tag which looks like this:

<script async assistcord-id="demo" src="<https://widget.assistcord.com/assistcord.js>"></script>

All Assistcord configs are passed via attributes to the script tag, and the extra async feature means that Assistcord will not slow down the loading of your site.

Example 1: Basic widget load

This old loading style:

<script src="<https://widget.assistcord.com/widget.js>"></script>

Would become:

<script async assistcord-id="demo" src="<https://widget.assistcord.com/assistcord.js>"></script>

Example 2: With custom colors

This old loading style:

<script src="<https://widget.assistcord.com/widget.js>"></script>
<script>asc_primary = "#986AD6"; asc_primary = "#f58442"; assistcord("demo")</script>

Would become:

<script async primary="#986AD6" secondary="#f58442" assistcord-id="demo" src="<https://widget.assistcord.com/assistcord.js>"></script>